PFS Logistics
US based Exporter of Record
PFS Logistics offers global, seamless and hassle-free export shipping services including purchase contracts, shipping, warehousing, and delivery scheduling to countries with fare trade agreements with the United States, who are industry leaders in the export space.
Minimum: 1Million Units
What (PFS) Logistics Can Do For You:
PFS Logistics acts as an Intermediary/Facilitator, for an agreed upon commission, PFSL will locate and bring together buyers and sellers, negotiate an equitable price, then create a contract that is agreeable to both parties. Using current Incoterms, we will either facilitate maritime shipping and/or spot sale of ready goods on the ground, including purchase contracts, shipping, warehousing, and delivery scheduling. On larger shipments we bring in a lawyer to assure the confidentiality of either side as our buyers & seller mandates will never meet. We identify and hire a pay master to assure all commissions are paid out correctly.
If necessary PFSL can bring in Financing, Freight Forwarders and U.S. Customs Brokers to work out the details of getting goods from Point A to Point B., also from time to time we will entertain the purchase, sales and or trading of other commodities that have full or substantial fungibility, when there is a clear financial benefit to the group.

The Focus:
(PFS) Logistics ensures goods are exported successfully. Our focus is on the purchase, trade and sales of portable fire suppression and protection equipment such as wall mounted Smart Spray Heads, portable fire extinguishers, rescue helmets, ropes, gloves, breathing respirators, portable air, and Nomex fire hoods, also (PPE) Personal Protection Equipment, such as disposable nitrile gloves, masks, face shields, hair coverings, booties and gowns.